Monday, December 31, 2012


Maine, Portland, USA
Cooking :)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

When your friends aren't there for you and you think that this one person you thought was someone meaningful to you is also not there, what do you do?

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Days where people fight.

Okay not litterally, but pushing and feeling frustration in malls yes! So this year, I have decided to go on boxing day, the 26th. I was expecting a lot of people but you never realize it once you are really in the mall. And let's not talk about the metro! People were squeezing in, worst than on rush hours! I gotta admit, I am kind of scared of big and crowded places like this. I do. I also imagine extreme scenarios where someone comes in and fires, which would obvisously lead me to be stuck in the massive crowd movement. My anxiety was rising a little just by the thought of it. Presence of police officers was crazy huge. Anyhow, I am still alive after this. My feet and arms were sore. I did manage to get myself some nice beddings at Simons, some clothes at TH and a Parka :) On top of that, while I was shopping at GAP, I felt a slight touch on my arm, I turned around. I quickly thought it could be someone I know. It was actually a random guy. He looked kind of shy. He told me I was pretty. Well that was unexpected. I was so surprised that I didn't know what to do. I thanked him. He asked if he could leave his number. Again, I didn't know what to do, he repeated and I finally accepted. Then, he asked for mine and all I could say was: guuuhhh... Leave me your number and I'll think about it okay? *awkward smile* But I guess he was fine with that. We talked a little more and he left. I still wonder if this was a joke or not. It could be. I don't know! Ha Ha. I also find it creepy. Obvisouly, Gap was not his kind of style. What if he spotted me all this time in the mall and followed me? Don't you find it creepy? Anyways, I did text him afterwards and don't think he's my type but he's kind of cool. We'll see! Snowy day today... STOP SNOWING!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Friday, December 14, 2012

... And most important of all... Herry, you must let go.

Girl on Break.

IS THIS HAPPENING? Semester is finally over?! HURRAAAAAY!! Finished my last exam today, at 9PM, this was a veryyy long day! I leave McGill for now, worried that I've failed a class on Learning and Health education... anyways... what has been done is done. I must move on. Now, I can't wait to go back on the threadmill. My back is starting to ache again... :( Studying is not HEALTHY!!! (jokes) Oh man... I still can't believe that there's only one semester left... Hell is starting again next semester... 3 weeks of break. Rest, Exercise, Family, Friends, Love, Fun, Joy.

Monday, December 10, 2012


Je prends ce petit moment de digestion de mon diner, et en pleine période d'examens finaux pour écrire ces quelques mots. Un début de fin de BAC assez mouvementé je dois vous l'avouer... C'est en 2e année de BAC que je realise reellement a quel point mon programme en science infirmière intégré est totalement désorganisé. Ici, l'infirmière n'est pas intégrée au BAC mais plutot insérée difficilement parmis les autres, comme seront d'accord mes compagnons de classe. Ce constat a initier plusieurs discussions a sujet chaud! Rares sont les sujets qu'évoquent en moi de l'outrance. (...) En y repensant, ces sujets commencent tranquillement a émerger ces derniers temps. Par exemple, lorsqu'on nous fait croire que nous avons droit au libre choix alors que ce n'est aucunement le cas. Lorsque notre conviction que notre choix nous menera a enrichir notre bagage de connaissance et d'expérience est mis a terre. (...) Me voila, le 3/4 du chemin fait, angoissant et anticipant le gout amer suite a ce passage universitaire. Je sors tout juste d'un examen, me sentant completement battue. 2 down, 2 more to go. Je ne sais plus quoi espérer... Les vacances commencent bientot. 3 semaines de vacances me fera du bien, avant que cet enfer recommence de plus belle.

Sunday, December 9, 2012
